Sunday, April 22, 2012

Taco Cupcakes!

So, thanks to Pinterest I found this cool looking recipe for taco "cupcakes".

I decided to try it, but realized I didn't have all the ingredients.  I ended up using ground turkey, black beans, taco seasoning for the filling.  I chopped up four light string cheese sticks and used that as the cheese.  They were absolutely delicious and filling.  Unfortunately, we didn't have any sour cream, salsa or guac, otherwise, they would have made the cupcakes perfect!

Check out Emily's site, she has a bunch of other ideas for "cupcakes"!  I think the buffalo chicken cupcake is next on the menu for us!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Little Suzy Homemaker

I actually made my own dishwasher detergent this afternoon!  *insert shocked face*

I read a ton of reviews on the stuff, how well it works, etc, and finally decided to take the plunge.  I already had the majority of the ingredients, so it didn't really cost much.  I ended up doing a double batch and put it in a plastic food storage container we had with a scoop.  I'll update tomorrow after I try it out for the first time.  If it's good, I'll post the "recipe" here!

I also made a new food recipe this evening.  Yay Pinterest!  I did Teriyaki Chicken in the crockpot.  I'm NOT a fan of pineapples, but I went ahead and followed the recipe by putting a whole can of sliced pineapple in the recipe.  When it came time to eat, I didn't eat the pineapple, but the rest of the meal was really good!  I got a 5 star review from the husband, so I guess I'll put it in our usual rotation.  The best part was that it was cheap and very easy.  It was in my list of freezer meals.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Giveaway Time!

So, to celebrate the new blog design and upcoming switch over to my own domain name, I'm doing a GIVEAWAY of one of my favorite products!

Have you tried Skinny Cow's Dreamy Clusters yet?  They are amazing.  Low in calories and fat, yet the perfect taste of chocolate and caramel.  You can check them out here:

Thanks to Skinny Cow, I've been able to enjoy my chocolate cravings without losing too many points on my Weight Watchers program.  If you would like to try a FREE box of Skinny Cow Dreamy Clusters, please comment on this blog post with your favorite Skinny Cow treat.  When you "share" this post on FB, you get another entry (post in the comments that you "shared").  Good luck!

One day at a time...

I'm now officially working on my second round of bronchitis in the past three weeks.  I am grumpy.  I am tired.  I am sick of being sick.  I have worked my ass off lately in the food/health/fitness area and I feel like it's a waste when I'm this sick.  I only get out of bed to pee, drink a little and eat whatever is easiest.  I know I should be grateful that it's not something worse.  I should be grateful for health insurance and antibiotics.

I really just want to live without feeling like I've been hit by a truck.

It doesn't help that the weather is absolutely gorgeous.  I want to be out there planting veggies and flowers and enjoying the spring air before it's stifling hot.  I want to go for walks with the kids.  I know this sickness will pass.  It's just killing me in the meantime.

So, while I lay in bed and boo-hoo about all that I can't do, tell me about what you're doing to enjoy the lovely weather.