Friday, March 23, 2012

Ups and Downs

Today was the first day that I've really felt grumpy, crappy and just uninterested in doing anything worthwhile since starting the challenge.  Part of the problem was me stepping on the scale this morning and not seeing a drop.  I've gotten accustomed to seeing that weight fall off every morning, but I have to realize that's not always going to happen.  If I plan on stepping on the scale every day, then I need to be ready for disappointment.  I hate to say it, but it seems like that set in motion a crappy mood for the day.  I didn't eat breakfast when I should have, then I was hungry.  I didn't drink as much water in the morning like I usually do, and then I was tired.  Instead of getting up and around, I sat on the couch and got sleepy.  Makes for a grumpy mood!

I did resist the urge to order a pizza though.  :)  I am very proud of that.  Instead, I spent the money for a pizza on a layaway order for our new porch patio set.  I found one I liked on Kmart's website and the price was perfect.  Looking forward to many mornings/evenings sitting on the porch.  :)

In other news, I finally had hubby take a series of before photos of me.  I might post them...if I ever download the pictures on the computer.

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